I am a celebratory type of person. In my previous blog post I wrote about book club types and personalities. After much thought, I believe my book club personality is, 'The Celebrator', sort of like 'The Terminator' but with less dystopia. I will usually come out book love a blazing to my reading group and shout out, "How can we make this the most awesome book club ever!?" Yes, a bit annoying perhaps but that's The Celebrator for you and my group has reassured me many times over the years that it's okay, they love me anyway.
So when it came time to choosing our read for February I suggested a Valentine's Day novel to celebrate the day of amore. To my amusement there were some collective gasps, laughs and silence. My suggestion went over like a lead heart shaped balloon. Maybe in some reading groups that's a welcomed idea but for others romance novels can be seen as taboo and possibly for these reasons:
In the past our reading diet consisted mainly of the historical fiction type, set in WWII, American Civil War and the Victorian era. These plot lines included hardships of all sorts such as war, disease, death, and chaos but within every plot there was that ray of sunshine called love. By my groups standards these stories are not considered 'romance novels' but just historical fiction with a heaping side dish of passion.
We appear to be book smart and literature savy but I bet my heart chocolate on it we are indulging in the real sweet stuff behind closed doors. Even so, bodice ripper romances may be out of the question for some but it's good to find that happy middle especially for Valentine's Day. In the meantime, as I embrace my book type, The Celebrator, the hopeless romantic in me is truly hoping this month's book pick, The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah a story on WWII and survival will resemble something more like V-Day but so far it's reading more like D-Day. So far... Past book club reads with love inside
A whisper of romance
Historical fiction: The Perfume Collector More than a whisper Modern/Contemporary: The Language of Flowers 1940's thriller suspense: Rebecca A whisper to a scream Historical fiction WWII: The House at Tyneford Historical fiction: My Name is Resolute Happy Valentine's Day Book Friends!
The Book Club BloggerWelcome book friends! Summer with my favorite book
To Kill a Mockingbird Book Party Hello and Goodbye to Book Friends Fall into Go Set a Watchman Mystery, Murder, Fairy Tales Thankful for book club & biographies How to choose a holiday read for your group Book Club Traditions A Rainbow of Book Club Personalities Romance novels in book club? Time can be a book club enemy Book clubs come in all shapes & sizes Springtime with The Perfume Collector Summer reading guide Start a Kids Book Club Halloween Reads 5 Steps to a Holiday Book Club And the book club winner goes to... How to join or start a lasting book club Valentine's Day book quotes Tips for spring book cleaning Upstairs at the White House Book Review Top book biographies for Dads Book to movies in theaters now Six ways to kill your book club Holiday Bookish Favorite Things Book club discussion ideas News of the World Review The Great Alone Book Review The book club book exchange game It's a good time to be a Reader All new book inspired gift guide with gift exchange Quotes on friendship CategoriesArchives
February 2022
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